“Preach My Psalter” Rosary Podcast
According to Tradition, in the year 1208 Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, the Blessed Virgin Mary, appeared to St. Dominic de Guzmán, a Spanish priest, in a forest near Toulouse, France, calling him to preach her Psalter, her Holy Rosary, as an itinerant preacher, for the salvation of all people, particularly for the Albigensians at the time. For St. Dominic, this preaching of Our Lady’s Psalter would involve proclaiming, contemplating, and praying the Truth of God’s Word in Scripture and Tradition to illumine and inspire these people to become faithful disciples of Christ, Roman Catholics, by repenting for their sins, professing their faith in the Truth of Catholic Teaching, and by living a holy life of virtue. St. Dominic certainly fulfilled this commission he received from Blessed Mary. Indeed, he shepherded many lost human beings to Christ through Mary by preaching her Holy Rosary. For this reason, after founding the Order of Preachers in 1216, he would commission the friars to do the same.
Accordingly, as a friar of the Order of Preachers, and especially as the Promoter of the Holy Rosary for the Province of St. Martin de Porres in the Southern United States, I myself have received this commission to preach the Truth of God’s Word, through Our Lady's Psalter, her Holy Rosary, for the salvation of human beings. In doing so, I established ”Preach My Psalter” as a Dominican Rosary Apostolate to illumine and inspire people, especially the lost, to find Jesus through Mary. I hope and pray you join me daily on my podcast in preaching, contemplating, and praying the Sacred Mysteries of Our Lady’s Rosary. Please also consider following and sharing my Rosary podcast. You may have family members and friends who would be interested in joining me in a daily Rosary. I hope you tell them. You will be helping me shepherd people to Christ through Mary. May God bless you and your family!
In Christ with Blessed Mary,
Friar Mariano D. Veliz, O.P., Promoter of the Holy Rosary
Email: frmarianovelizop@preachmypsalter.com